What to Power Wash In The Spring vs. Fall

Power washing the exterior of your home is a great (and necessary) way to keep up with outdoor maintenance. 

Many homeowners wonder what the best time of the year to power wash is. It can be tricky to know when to do what area of the home as well. 

Ideally, you would want to stay away from extreme temperatures. Power washing in the winter can leave dangerous ice behind and power washing in the summer can leave stains and streaks from the heat. If any chemicals are being used to clean, the heat can affect the way that they work leaving surfaces not as clean as they would be otherwise. 

Whether you choose to power wash in the spring or the fall, most things can be done in either season, however, you may want to split things up. There is no hard and fast rule but here’s a guide on what areas can be cleaned during the spring months and what areas can wait until fall. 


When spring finally breaks through, it’s a great time to get exterior washing done. During the winter, the cold weather brings snow and ice that can cause a buildup of dirt and grime on the entire outside of your home. 

This is a great time to clean things like roofs, gutters, decks, and siding. These areas of your home are the most vulnerable. When mold and mildew sit on these surfaces (especially roofs), they can cause a lot of damage and cause you to have to spend more money in the long run to replace them. 

It’s also a good idea to soft wash these areas to take care of any salt residue that may have come from the winter.


It’s important to clean the whole outside at least once per year. Although winter brings in some harsh contaminants, there are other areas that can wait until fall weather when it’s not so hot.

These are areas that are less delicate and can handle what winter brought in a little bit longer. These areas include driveways, patios, porches, and other stone surfaces. It’s still important to power wash these areas regularly. Even though they’re tougher surfaces, keeping them clean can make stone and concrete last much longer.

Another reason it’s great to wait to clean these areas is because summer activities leave behind sticky drinks and leftover food on patios and decks. Getting these things washed off before winter comes is a good way to keep your patios and decks clean and prepare their surfaces for winter weather.